The lessons were impactful despite network and connectivity challenges.
The ministry was incredibly engaging, leaving me desiring more. However, due to phone issues
that prevented me from connecting properly, I had to use my wife Victoria’s phone.
While I haven’t fully applied all the lessons I’ve learned, I have taken deliberate steps to pray for
the sick and those in need of deliverance, and I’ve shared the word of salvation occasionally.
I would like to revisit the teachings and lessons because I missed a lot due to the network
As for my personal background, I am an assistant pastor at Fountain Gate City Church. I am
married with six children—three boys and three girls. I have a strong desire to grow in the areas
of discernment, word of knowledge, healing, and deliverance. Although I have prayed for
deliverance for people at times, I recognize the need to learn more.
I am eager to continue learning
$ 9 – Phone data
$ 19 – Food.
$ 29 – Shelter
$ .. – Other
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