Love Your Life Ministries

How to Hear God's Voice

3 Week Free Course

your life is about to change!

Hearing God’s voice is not just for a few special people. It is for you, too!

God longs to connect with you. 

  • Do you sometimes feel like you are in a deep pit with no way out? 
  • Not sure where to go or what to do with your life? 
  • Have you just gone through a big transition or major change in your life and need to find your footing?
  • Want to discover what God’s called you to do and what your purpose is?

empower the champion that you are!



  • Begin hearing clear direction from God on every matter important to you.
  • Transform your marriage.
  • Transform your relationships. 
  • Learn to distinguish God’s voice so that you make the best decisions possible.
  • Step into your passion and calling with His guidance.
  • Experience peace and joy like you have never experienced before.
  • Increase your finances by 10x, 100x, 1000x, with God’s guidance. 
  • Get God’s strategies for your business and your life.
  • Succeed at the highest levels, NOW!

Sign up now for this FREE three-week, three-lesson course today! 



"How to hear God is a game changer!"

"The Empower the Champion course, "How to Hear God" was a game changer for me! I've heard that what we believe to be true about God is the most important belief we have, and this course helped me understand why that is. I'm always amazed at the depths of understanding God will bring us to, if we ask Him. This course is interactive and activating. You MUST take this course to experience it for yourself."   - Melinda Brown

“I created this short course because I saw the pain that so many of my friends were going through. I wanted to give them identity and a purpose. I wanted to teach them how to follow the nurturing guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who brings clarity, vision and renewed hope.” – Barb Marshall


Don’t wait another day to transform your life!

How To Hear GOD'S Voice sign up - FREE

Are you ready to change your life? Please fill out the for below and we will send you the details on the “How to Hear God’s Voice Workshop”.