Love Your Life Ministries

DARE to Believe Big

DARE to Believe BIG Mentorship Program helps participants build an intimate relationship with God.

Going through this spiritual boot-camp you is transforming. You will find refreshing and encouraging

lessons to not only impact your life, but those around you by the new you!

four stages of dare:

 Define who you are 
Your identity is not your circumstance, you will learn how to define yourself in how God sees you and in the

authority given to you in JESUS CHRIST.


 Active your faith 
HOLY SPIRIT longs to reveal GOD’S incredible plan for you, but to access this you have to activate your faith.


 Refine to thrive 
REFINE shows you how to respond to the attacks of the enemy and make the life-changing breakthrough.


 Excel in faith 
In EXCEL you can learn to do as JESUS did and walk confidently in HIS authority.

Breakthroughs to expect:

what others are saying

Trust in the Lord completely, and do not rely on your own opinions.
With all your heart, rely on him to guide you, and he will lead you in every decision you make.

— Proverbs 3:5 TPT     


To Encourage & Equip You For Success In Life!

Are you ready to change your life? Join today!